May 5 is Red Dress Day, we have t-shirts, wristbands, lapel pins, temporary tattoos, flags and stickers to acknowledge this important day


Embracing Allyship: Preparing for Orange Shirt day; National Day for Truth and Reconciliation

As we approach Orange Shirt Day, The National Day for Truth and Reconciliation on September 30, 2024, it’s a poignant time for Canadians to reflect on the past and consider how we can actively support Indigenous communities. Being an ally is more than just a label—it’s a commitment to understanding, action, and advocacy. Here’s how you can embody true allyship.


Understanding Allyship:

Allyship involves a lifelong process of building relationships based on trust, consistency, and accountability with marginalized individuals and groups. For non-Indigenous Canadians, this means taking proactive steps to educate oneself about the history and ongoing challenges faced by Indigenous peoples and using this knowledge to effect change.


Ways to Be an Effective Ally:

  1. Educate Yourself and Others: Start by learning about the true history of Indigenous peoples in Canada, including the legacy of residential schools. Use resources like the Truth and Reconciliation Commission’s reports to inform your understanding.
  2. Listen and Learn: Attend events and listen to the stories and voices of Indigenous communities. It’s important to listen without trying to centre your own feelings or experiences.
  3. Speak Out: Use your voice to challenge and correct misconceptions or stereotypes about Indigenous peoples. It’s crucial to speak out against injustices when you see them, both online and in your community.
  4. Support Indigenous Causes: Whether it’s through volunteering, donating to Indigenous-led organizations, or supporting Indigenous businesses, your active support can make a difference.
  5. Promote and Participate in Reconciliation: Engage in community events and initiatives that promote reconciliation. Encourage your workplace or community group to recognize September 30 as a day of learning and reflection.


Allyship is not passive—it requires action, commitment, and the willingness to sometimes be uncomfortable. As we lead up to the National Day of Truth and Reconciliation, let’s reflect on how we can all contribute to a more equitable and just society.

As we approach the National Day of Truth and Reconciliation, consider how you can visibly show your support. Visit our Orange Shirt Day Apparel page to find shirts that not only spread awareness but also foster conversations about reconciliation. These shirts serve as a powerful tool in promoting understanding and supporting Indigenous communities. Wear your commitment to truth and reconciliation proudly!

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That is wonderful, thank you so much for all of your help in this! I really appreciate it and look forward to hopefully placing some more orders in the future! – Christine Palanuk, Communication Officer     First Nations Financial Management Board